Engaging Alumni of NYX to help build the foundation for your Brothers by giving small donations that aggregate to support generations of brotherhood at Clarkson University.
As of 01/01/2018 we have reached 40% of our 100 brother goal!
What is the 100 Brother Challenge?
The Alumni Volunteer Corp. Fund-Raising Committee has challenged themselves to recruit 100 of our Alumni Brothers to donate by the end of 2016. Consequently, we're calling it the 100 Brother Challenge. We had great success last year with the program and look forward to building on our goal to raise over $5,000 yearly and nearly 50% participation! With the new budgeting structure in mind, we hope that our alumni will be inclined to give, as over 60% of our funds directly impact fellow brothers. To accomplish this, our Team is seeking monthly recurring donations (or even a one time donation) of small amounts ranging from $5- $100 so that we can be more effective in our support.
In appreciation of your donation, any level of monthly giving as noted below will provide free entry into Alumni events. It's the least we can do to thank you for your support, and setting an example for current and future graduates.
AVC Budget Allocation (As updated via vote April '17):
Scholarships: 50%
Alumni Activities: 30% (Like Alumni Weekend and regional events ...want to lead one, let us know!)
The House: 5%
Operations: 15%
(If you would prefer to donate to a specific Chapter Scholarship Fund such as: the Edward Valenta, Jason Dunn, Kate Mikel (Tessier) or Chapter Balanced Man and your donation be tax deductible, please follow this link to HQ Educational Foundation site and click 'Support your Chapter now'. If you choose this option please let our Treasurer know so your donation can be recorded in our records.)
If you know of a fellow Brother who would be interested in joining the Challenge, please contact Matt Fox by clicking on the name link or reach out yourself and let Matt know.
2016 Chapter in the lounge.